AHX – Release of Shares from Voluntary Escrow 26.06.2023
AHX - Release of Shares from Voluntary Escrow 26.06.2023
AHX - Release of Shares from Voluntary Escrow 26.06.2023
AHX - Release of Shares from Voluntary Escrow 19.05.2023
AHX - Change in Substantial Holding 17.05.2023
AHX - Release of Shares from Voluntary Escrow 31.03.2023
AHX - Notification Regarding Unquoted Securities 24.03.2023
AHX - H1 FY23 Results Release 23.02.2023 426KB
AHX - H1 FY23 Investor Presentation 23.02.2023 4,902KB
AHX - FY23 Half Year Report and Accounts 23.02.2023...
ASX - H1 FY23 Reporting Date and Investor Webinar Notification...
AHX - Application for Quotation of Securities 01.02.2023
AHX - Application for Quotation of Securities...
AHX - Proposed Issue of Securities 30.01.2023
AHX - Strategic NSW Acquisitions into Two New Hight-Growth Regions...
AHX - Change of Director's Interest Notice C Richards 20.01.2023
AHX - Notification Regarding Unquoted Securities 20.01.2023
AHX - Proposed Issue of Securities...
AHX - Notification of Cessation of Securities...