9 November 2020.
Bendigo Vic. Australia

Bringing Australian piglets to a higher level

Apiam confirmed today that a partnership with Ceva Animal Health Australia will deliver Australian pig farmers a new labour-saving technology solution to enhance piglet survival.

ForcerisTM, is Australia’s first single-shot combination of gleptoferron and toltrazuril, which prevents iron deficiency anaemia and controls coccidiosis in newborn piglets.

This patented technology will be available to Apiam clients from November, with enhanced supply enabling all Australia pig farmers access to this innovative solution in the following months.

One of the most common deficiencies in neonatal pigs is low iron levels. In combination with toltrazuril, Forceris contains Gleptoferron, a high-performance injectable iron demonstrated in trials as superior to common iron supplements currently on the market. Toltrazuril, is currently administered to piglets by oral application to treat coccidiosis which typically occurs in piggeries from 8 to 14 days of age.

It is estimated that over 5 million pigs in Australia are currently administered iron as part of routine best practice husbandry practices in the first 24-48 hours of life, with over 70% also administered a coccidiostat two to three days later. This single injection provides a single process event, reducing the handling costs and disruption to baby pigs in their critical first few days of life.

Apiam’s global relationships will once again benefit the Australian farmer. No double handling pigs increases efficiency at the farm level. The leading-edge iron supply, via the Gleptoferron molecule, provides optimal uptake and efficiency within the growing piglet. The high-quality single shot delivery system minimises wastage and allows precise delivery. “This is good for piglets and easy for farmers” said Dr Chris Richards, Managing Director for Apiam. These two points alone optimise growth, reduce labour requirements and assist animal welfare through less handling in the early days of life – a single action for a healthy start. In the past a two-pass process and an old technology iron molecule and potential for wastage of the coccidiostat which was administered by oral administration has meant underutilised potential for growers. “In one single injection, Forceris prevents iron deficiency anaemia and controls coccidiosis” Dr Richards said.

Apiam’s mission is to provide solutions that bring benefit to customers, not only at the individual animal level, but encompassing their whole production system. By partnering with Ceva to bring Forceris to the Australian market, Apiam’s vertically integrated veterinary business and strength in the Australian market were critical determining factors for Ceva to identify Apiam as its preferred partner to bring this innovation in the form of Forceris to the Australian market.



For media enquiries contact Chris Richards, Managing Director, Apiam Animal Health.


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